Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Trump: Unclear on the Concept


  1. I hope they all throw him paper towels.

  2. Me too. Can you believe that guy? We are going to vote him out, and then we are going to throw his ass in jail.

  3. “You better vote for me Puerto Rico” is typical Donnie “honesty”. He’s just letting people read between the lines and understand that after the 2016 election he couldn’t “punish” States that didn’t vote for him because he needed their vote in 2020...after 2020, all bets are off.

  4. 1961: Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country. John F. Kennedy
    2020: Vote for me or the country will get it. Donald “Cheetolini” J. Trump

  5. Of course I can't be arsed to do it ;-) , but it would be the work of a split second to find Trump justifying his non-response to the hurricane on the grounds that Puerto Ricans can't vote [for him].

    Occam's razor says he remembers what he said before, but doesn't think anyone else will.


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