Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Smooth Move, Roger

Roger Stone posted an Instagram post which was somewhat threatening towards the judge hearing his trial.

His attorneys made him apologize.

The judge has not been amused and will have Stone in for a rug dance. Stone's arrogance might just get him slapped into a jail cell to await his trial.


  1. Wonder what that type around the symbol is...all I can make out is the fragments CO, CE and RU.

  2. There is no such thing as an "Apology to the Court". Dick's licker is in deep doo-doo.

  3. Words are "Corruption Central". Credit to:


  4. Hope the judge sends him to jail.

  5. I'm sure he'll be respectful and respond with carefully reasoned responses, and impress everyone with his judgement and restraint.

    And that the "president" will flap his arms and fly three circles around DC.

  6. And a stricter gag order is issued...bets on how long before he’s jailed will be taken for the next 6 hours...beyond that, we might be too late.

  7. Two weeks, tops. Stone will attempt to use a proxy or sock-puppet and he’ll be found out.


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