Tuesday, January 14, 2014

More Tales of a Spoiled-Ass Whiny Little Fuck

Los Angeles (CNN) -- Justin Bieber got some unexpected visitors Tuesday morning: sheriff's deputies with a warrant to search his home.

Investigators with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department were looking for video from Bieber's security cameras that might show what happened Thursday night when eggs were thrown at a neighbor's home, according to a sheriff's statement.

A judge gave deputies a felony search warrant, which they carried out Tuesday morning, the sheriff's statement said. ... One of Bieber's house guests was arrested when deputies allegedly found cocaine during their search. ... "The purpose of the search warrant is to seek video surveillance or other possible evidence in the vandalism that occurred on January 9, 2014," the sheriff's statement said.

The vandalism damage to the house of Bieber's neighbor was about $20,000, [Los Angeles County Sheriff's Lt. Dave] Thompson said. The cost of repairing the damage to the house is a key factor in determining the severity of the charge. Any damage of more than $950 would qualify the charge as a felony.
Egging a house caused $20K in damages? How the hell can that be? $20K to wash the eggs off the siding? Or did some of the eggs go in through a window and damage stuff inside? I dunno.

Still, Bieber might face felony charges for egging a neighbor's house?

Heh. Heh. Heh.

Pass the popcorn.


  1. Maybe an egg went through a window and landed on a bag of drugs. Cops always overvalue drugs.

  2. Charging the guy for ruining drugs-- genius!

    (Actually, whatever it takes to toss that putz in the clink works for me.)

  3. As a general rule of thumb, I think that cops are always the guilty ones in any confrontation with people. But that doesn't preclude Bieber being a dick, of course.

  4. There are days (and this may be one of them) when I dearly wish Mr. Bieber and his antics would get tossed into the journalist version of an oubliette.

    Mean of me, I know.

    Also, I thought the age of house-egging was ten.

    Also also, I am beginning to hope all this trouble shows in his face. ;)

  5. Yeah, 19's a bit old to be out egging houses. The little brat needs a bit of adult supervision, which he isn't going to get.

    I see him traveling down the Lohan Highway.

  6. I suspect the damage claim was inflated to justify the attention of the police. They don't say whose house was egged. If it was your house or mine, the police might take a report, but that's all. But if it was a Very Important Person's house, well, release the hounds!

    Another possibility, the neighbors just got so sick of JB they swore out this complaint to try and get rid of him.

    That said, I can't stand Justin Bieber. I agree with Comrade Misfit. Lohan Highway, indeed.


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