Monday, June 28, 2010


Chicago's handgun ban falls.

Practically, I don't know what the effect will be. Mayor Daley is an arrogant little fascist demigod sonovabitch who who does not believe that anything he wants to do is constrained by the law-- witness his midnight illegal destruction of Meigs Field if you want to see proof of that.

So anticipate that Hizzoner Da Mare will put "reasonable restriction" on handgun ownership that will make it virtually impossible to buy one (legally) and they will be right back in court all over again.

1 comment:

  1. I think you're probably right. All they have to do is require a ridiculous amount of expensive training, a prohibitive license fee, a "may-issue" requirement, and various and sundry other requirements/fees/taxes in order to keep most people from owning one.


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