Tuesday, June 29, 2010

John Boehner- Seditious Bastard

John Boehner is engaging in sedition, like many in his caucus:
"They’re snuffing out the America that I grew up in," [Rep. John] Boehner said. "Right now, we’ve got more Americans engaged in their government than at any time in our history. There’s a political rebellion brewing, and I don’t think we’ve seen anything like it since 1776."
Or he is an ignorant fool who should be watered twice a day.

What Boehner is conveniently ignoring is that the American Revolution was not a "political revolution", but an armed insurrection which started, not in 1776, but in 1775. This "1776" crap is either evidence of potted-plant-level ignorance or sedition.

What is is evidence of, as well, is that the Republican party has zero commitment to the concept of democracy. Their reaction to losing the White House in 2008 has run the gamut from being the Party of Aggrieved Toddlers to encouraging armed action against the government.

And as for all of those flag-waving conservatives, well, we've seen that their patriotism is as shallow and as durable as a summer puddle. For as soon as things don't go their way, they start strutting around and bleating about rebellion and shooting people.


  1. They are so proud of their guns and their willingness to used veiled threats, as if liberals will wet themselves thinking about it.

    It never occurs to them that liberals can own guns, can shoot, too, and can aim.

  2. And furthermore, the American "Revolution" should more properly be called the American "War of Secession", because it was a war of secession by the lawfully constituted governments of the 13 colonies against the mother country, not a revolution by random dissidents against their lawfully constituted government. It had a lot more in common with the American Civil War than with the French Revolution, which actually overthrew an established government -- the American "Revolution" overthrew no government, the English crown continued to exist, as did the lawfully constituted governments of the 13 colonies, except they now called themselves "states" and arranged themselves into a loose confederation via the "Articles of Confederation".

    Wait, these are facts and details. People like Bonehead don't believe in facts, and details merely bounce off their thick skulls. Alrighty, then!

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin


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