Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Turf Wars

Between the ATF and the FBI.

Before Chimpy's massive reorganization of the Federal police apparatus in 2002, the goons from ATF were part of the Treasury Department. Now, both the ATF and the FBI are in the Department of Justice. (The ATF would like you to forget that there was a time in the 1930s that they were a part of the FBI.)

You'd think that there would be some way to get these clowns in the same room and knock their frelling heads together in order to get them to grow up and start acting like adults. Sadly, no, it seems.

This question is unanswered: If the two agencies are racing each other to get to the scenes of high-profile crimes, are there other crimes that should be investigated but they are both ignoring, because those crimes didn't make the news?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, EB!

    And who benefits because of this splitting of authority?

    Just askin'.


    If the two agencies are racing each other to get to the scenes of high-profile crimes, are there other crimes that should be investigated but they are both ignoring, because those crimes didn't make the news?


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