Saturday, March 8, 2025

Women's Sports, Male Fragility

One thing about women's sports: They are sometimes segregated so that men don't lose to women. Madge Syers won silver at the World Figure Skating Championship in 1902. In response, the ISU created a women's division.

Same happens in almost every sport where pure physical strength and size aren't factors.

Men are fragile. Every restrictive dress code imposed on women comes about as a means to prevent impure thoughts of men.

1 comment:

  1. History has a way of making jokes and laughing at the same time.

    Fast forward to just this year. Where an idiot with bureaucratic
    bombast created something that will laugh at them. Simple act
    of defining male and female without any attention to science will
    likely add to their undoing. Seems if its a woman that has
    transitioned to being a man means that a practice of hold my
    beer in a precarious position where stupidity will manage
    to hurt them.

    So that hysterical humor of history laid out... Well maybe they
    opened the door to being really nasty. Rumor has it the word
    "Oops" will gain a broader meaning.



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