Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Johnson Blows His Antisemitic Dog-Whistle

House Speaker Mike Johnson was on GMA this morning, blaming George Soros for the protests at town halls held by GOP politicians.

We all know what he means by that.


  1. Of course it may have never occurred to him that it was really those
    that voted for felon-47 and realize he screwed them. So he invokes
    dog whistle and deep state as the the cause.


  2. It is important to remember that for all the lip-stick they paint on it, all the Mississippi nice, in their hearts the Jews killed Jesus and three quarters (3/4) of them must die before their precious lord and master (Jesus) will float down out of the sky and rescue them. These creatures hate Jews almost as much as they hate those without religion

    Heinlein was right about dealing with them: keep one hand on your wallet and the other on your pistol ...


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