Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Don't Tune In Tonight

Don't watch the SOTU speech by the Felonious Agent Krasnov tonight. The one thing he craves is an audience and, if his ratings suck, he'll feel it.


  1. ..and after, something constructive:
    Call the WH switchboard: 202-456-1414, after Trump’s speech tonight to express your disapproval.

    Even if you choose NOT to listen, call after the speech is over as Robert Reich confirmed the positive and negative calls are counted. We need to flood the switchboard with our negative calls. It is the least we can do tonight

  2. But, I wanted to see if the Dems could get him to blow up and walk out

  3. Rather watch an old C-grade SiFi, at least its culture and less a waste
    of my time.


  4. Good idea! Might rewatch Forbidden Planet!

  5. Star Wars... A good line. Nothing to see here move along!



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