Monday, February 24, 2025

The Onion Nails It.

With the elected officials trying their hardest not to move a muscle, reports confirmed Monday that top Democratic leaders in Congress were standing real still in hopes that the American people wouldn’t notice them. “Don’t make any sudden movements, or they’ll spot us,” Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) said out of the corner of his mouth, tightly squeezing his eyes shut as he reminded Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) to hold their breath anytime a member of the voting public walked by. “Did it work? I think we’re in the clear for now, but that was a close one. They could have talked to us, for crying out loud, or worse—demanded that we do something.

That's satire, of course, but it is also the truth. People are beginning to demand that the Democrats do something.

In 2009, with only forty senators, Moscow Mitch rallied his troops to oppose President Obama on all fronts. Chuckie Schumer the Slug Farmer can't seem to get off the dime.

Younger Democratic politicians with some ambition need to start spinning up primary challenges for the Democrats now in the House and the Senate.


  1. If you keep on letting yourself be ruled by nonsense, fear, and lack of practicality you will keep losing.

  2. You obviously don't know that the Onion is News, humor and sarcasm.

    You have been triggered!


  3. I know the onion is satire

  4. You do, well isn't that special.
    What nonsense are you talking about then?



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