Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Shorter Republican Pols: Stop Paying Attention to Those Pesky Plebes

House Republicans are becoming weary and wary of in-person town hall meetings after a number of lawmakers have faced hometown crowds angry about the Trump administration’s push to slash government programs and staffing.
A GOP aide said House Republican leaders are urging lawmakers to stop engaging in them altogether.

The message is clear: Listen to the Demented Felon and the King of Ketamine, not the people who actually vote.


  1. So, if the pissed off constituents can't vent in person, will they vote them out? Not all the T**** voters are MAGA, but didn't like the economy. They don't like it now and it's getting worse.

  2. There are those that are being screwed and they didn't sign up for that.

    Whats next, likely ugliness.



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