Friday, February 28, 2025

Republicans Support Sex Traffickers (And Death Cults)

The Tampa Bay Young Republicans tweeted an invitation to Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan to come speak to their group, drawing swift criticism for the outreach to the men currently facing charges for human trafficking and related offenses in multiple countries.

Between this and the Felon's administration putting the squeeze on the Romanians to let the Tates flee, it's becoming clear that QAnon was right: The government is a cabal of sex pets and sex traffickers.

Note, also, that GOP yammering about Epstein and his sex trafficking stopped the day after the election.

There would seem to be an argument that Republicans have become a eugenics party, that by cutting support for vaccines and combatting infectious diseases, that only those people will die and their party will gain power. They're also floating the idea of mass sterilizations of "lesser-quality humans".

The modern term for this Nazi bullshit is "necrosecurity". Those who die are "ungrievable subjects".

The GOP is an extremist and fascist hate group. That's beyond dispute, now.


  1. The national socialist republics aka Nazi pogroms rear their very ugly
    heads. Least we know who they are.


  2. I am looking forward to reading accounts of Andrew Tate and brother Tristan falling out a window, maybe picking up some lead-poisoning. Best reading would be about an angry (grand) father throwing a rope, branding their asses ...

  3. When I read about someone who otherwise wouldn’t be newsworthy then all I have to do is look who opposes or supports them.

    I understand everything else is propaganda.

    1. indeed you are.... propaganda.
      Or terribly uninformed.



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