Friday, February 28, 2025

Life in a Country Where the President Is a Toxic Mixture of Neville Chamberlain and Al Capone

From today's meeting:

Khrushchev was right:

Watching the bullshit today was depressing. Ukraine is bearing the burden of Russian aggression and the Putinist in the White House is intent on rewriting history and blaming Ukraine for the war.

I have lived through a lot of crap in this country and I have never been as ashamed of this country as I am today. Thanks to the Felon's maladministration, the United States has shown itself to be a country that can't keep its word or live up to an agreement. Other countries can have treaties and agreements on topics ranging from security to trade, and all it will take is one maniacal moron who was elected president by a bunch of disgruntled crackers to blow it all up.

The Old Fat Fuck of Florida has demonstrated to the world that the United States is not a serious country. We cannot be counted on in a pinch, or, for that matter, at all. Chairman Xi is probably laughing in his tea at the prospect of crushing Taiwan.

The French have it right:

And this:

Putin's poodles, indeed.


  1. I'd add felon-47 cannot keep his word to his people or honor contracts
    previously inked. The felon is an embarrassment and a habitual liar.

    He is not the president, only the comic shame.


  2. Joe Biden and Obama are singularity responsible for this war and the formation and strengthening of BRICS. The hot potato is now in trumps lap.

    1. Which is where it was in 2017-2021, when your guy tried to extort dirt on Biden by holding up military aid.

    2. Oh sure, Biden and Obama ordered Russian troops to invade Ukraine. Putin was as surprised as the rest of us.

      Coldsoldier, you can’t possibly be that stupid, can you? You honestly believe that Biden and Obama are “singularly” responsible? Your statement is blatantly Russian propaganda.


    3. When all you have is a hammer then everything is a nail

    4. Again nonsense. So how much are the Russians giving you?


    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. They are not getting what they paid for.


  3. Please give me your explanation of extortion

    1. I'll use the felons lexicon... Hey Ukrainae nice country it would be a
      shame if your invaded.


  4. I don’t have “a guy”. I’m quite heterosexual.

  5. this frigid thing might be queer bait if i were back in the army back in the day. Putin waited for Merkel to be gone and Biden in place for an easy steal. It didn't work out that way and the Ukrainians are like the Vietnamese fighting for their independence. It's the nature of homo sapiens and you argue against it?

  6. What's worse is that this is just Fergus' retribution for his first impeachment. He doesn't give a rat's ass about what he's doing to Ukraine, Europe, or the peace won in the second world war.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  7. Putin's Puppet was impeached for trying to extort Zelensky to get dirt on Joe Biden and son by withholding aid that was already approved and ready to go.
    And there were witnesses.
    Even then he was trying to blame Ukraine for everything that Putin was up to. .
    How soon we forget, all the way back to 2019.

  8. We don't forget... we are being told to ignore our lying eyes and ears.
    Felon-47 is still lying, bending truth, and making up stories.


  9. Perhaps Comrade Misfit should be flattered; apparently, the FSB or GRU thinks her blog is influential enough to detail a troll or bot to come here and spew the MAGA/tankie party line. (On foreign policy, MAGA and the Tankie Left differ only on their specific reasons for adoring and supporting Mommie Dearest Russia.)

    1. The moderation policy may keep most of them away. But if this guy's truly a Sovi^H^H^H^H Russian troll, he'll go away.

    2. I enlisted in march of 1988. Can anyone tell me what was going on at the time?

      I don’t hate Russians anymore as I was taught. I understand that they are a very determined people to a fault. I can respect that. Just as I don’t agree with anything democrats have to say but I still respect their solidarity.

      People change. Countries change. Ideology changes. That’s what you are witnessing.

      If you don’t adapt and overcome you die.

      What you witnessed in the White House yesterday was nothing less than the equivalent of a man with little man syndrome, picking a fight with somebody bigger than him. He was getting his ass kicked. The bouncer stepped in, and he still wanted to talk shit to the bigger guy. At some point, the bouncer Has to say “if you keep talking shit, I’mma, let him back at you“. That’s what happened.

    3. Funny, because I watched a brave man stand up to a narcissistic bully who has delusions of godhood.

    4. Afganistan! The Russian exit, and Ronnie signed us up. There were other skirmishes going on we managed to stay out of.

      Russians, tough proud people that have survived Hitler, Stalin, and their
      current government is killing them. What they want and what their
      government wants are not the same.

      The idiots in the White house were rude and classless.


    5. Donald, Narcissistic, most definitely, I do not dispute that.

      Please show me the footage of your brave hobbit visiting (((his))) frontline troops

    6. Here’s one, asswipe.

      Meanwhile, your guy refused to visit a WW2 cemetery because the rain might muss his hair.


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