Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Why People Adore Luigi

This, from a doctor:

United Healthcare just denied a claim on one of my patients in the ICU with:

-- a brain hemorrhage
-- in a coma
-- on a ventilator
-- in heart failure

...because I haven't proven to them that caring for her in the hospital was "medically necessary".

Tear it all down

Indeed. In a just society, a tank battallion would roll up to UHC's corporate campus and level the place at point-blank range.


  1. Comrade, you know from previous comments that were generally about 180 out of phase with each other, however…
    I’ve told several folks that I think it’s starting to sink in with the executive class that something’s amiss when the overwhelming response (myself included) to a brazen execution of one of their own is “Good shootin, Tex!”

    Not sure that we agree on the best solution, but burning the current health insurance system to the ground is a good start.

  2. The best way to eliminate all parasitic health insurance fuckery is to adopt single payer and make them obsolete. They lobbied their asses off to keep a public option out of the ACA, and now they are the living embodiment of the goddamn "death panels" they lied about to make their case.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


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