Friday, December 27, 2024

It Is to Laugh

Loony Laura has been beefing with the World's Richest Apartheid Refugee and, being the "free speech absolutist" that he claims to be, he shut her down on the Nazi Hellscape Formerly Known as Twitter.

Pass the popcorn, please. Felon^34 is not even formally in power and MAGA is eating itself.

Meanwhile, Donnie the Demented is pining for his master:

"The center of the universe" is Mar-a-Lago? He's really losing his marbles, people. I hope you have "25th Amendment Removal" on your Trump bingo card.


  1. If the president-elect becomes incapacitated before being sworn in, does the VP-elect still move up ? Should I be preparing for President Musk to be replaced by President Thiel ?

    1. Yes; if the fast food and drugs finally catch up with Drumpf before Inauguration Day, Captain Eyeliner becomes President.

  2. Merde-a-Lego is more like the center of a stirred up cesspool. The floating mung collects in the middle that way.


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