Sunday, September 1, 2024

Widdle Elon Sets Fire to at Least $24 Billion.

And it may be as high as $32 billion, for that is about what he and his asshole financial genius buddies have lost since they bought Twitter.

Bartender, a round of your finest Schadenfreude for the house. Put it on Jack Dorsey's tab.


  1. Just wait until the systems start breaking down. Then the Elon will discover he fired the technical people who kept the lights on.

  2. did you see this video clip? the Boeing Starliner is starting to have irregular heartbeats...

  3. Over at BlueSky they’ve had some hiccups with the πŸ‡§πŸ‡· influx, but it’s still going. Reports state Starlink in Brazil is refusing to block access to X. Not sure what Musk thinks is in his best interest, but giving the finger to the law probably isn’t it.


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