Saturday, September 14, 2024

Never Interrupt Your Opponent While He's Making a Mistake

Some enterprising reporter asked the Harris campaign what they had to say about Felonious Don hanging with Laura Loomer:

The Harris campaign did not respond to a request for comment on Loomer’s association with Trump.

No shit, why even say anything?

More normal Republicans, even the Space Laser Lady, think Loomer's toxic. But she flatters the FOFF no end and that makes him feel special. Because he has the fragile ego of a tweener. So he'll put up with the risk of palling around with someone who is about as racist and bigoted as your average Klan member since, besides the flattery, his views align with hers rather perfectly.

But maybe he thinks that if people are yammering about Loomer, they're not focusing on the fact that he was president for four years, tried to repeal ObamaCare dozens of times and he still has no clue as to what he would replace it with. Eight, nine years of screaming about the ACA, how bad it is, and he only has a "concept of a plan" to replace it.

If he didn't have his buddies writing Project 2025, he'd have no plans at all, other than to try and stay out of prison.

Also, his debate performance dropped his net worth by half-a-billion clams.


  1. I've seen 2 photos now of him with his arm around Loomer's waist, in an almost possessive way, and him with a shit eating grin. Can't help but wonder if they are doing it. How could she even reach it with all that blubber? And will Melanoma react or just not be visible? So many questions, so few answers.

    1. Trump just got his ass handed to him by a woman, is ego was crushed so bad that he's been lying about how badly he was beat. At Trump's age I don't think there's a whole lot of sexual activity left in him as it might kill him. I see his relationship with Laura Looney more as a public relations move to salve his ego and to project the Uber masculine image that he likes to portray.

  2. It's not that he thinks about sex so much, but more as "Look at me. The young women are falling all over me. I'm the greatest and here is another conquest. See , I'm not a loser."

  3. Recently, I was listening to a Pink Floyd CD 'A Momentary Lapse of Reason', that I didn't already have, and recognized a lyric that told me where the name of your Blog comes from. I always visit your site to read your articles every time it's mentioned on 'Mike's Blog Round Up' at Crooks & liars.


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