Wednesday, September 4, 2024

MAGA Death Squads?

There are some of the TOFF's people who are calling for death squads to kill those who don't support Don Snoreleone.

That's pretty far-fatched, but still, those fuckers are talking about it. And they are not happy about being found out.

It sort of boggles the mind that those fools are putting up YT videos and yet don't realize that other people are looking for them. I'm kind of curious what sort of lawyer thinks that there is a cause of action because the plaintiff made a video, posted it online and then is upset that people found it and passed it along.

But there are a lot of idiot lawyers out there. Like those working for Felon^34:

A federal judge on Tuesday swiftly rejected Donald Trump’s request to intervene in his New York hush money criminal case, spurning the former president’s attempt at an end-run around the state court where he was convicted and is set to be sentenced in two weeks.

You can read the decision and order here. In short, paying hush money to a porn star and then trying to cover it up isn't an official preseidential act. As if any rational person could have thought that it was.


  1. First rule, Always make copies of their crap. They may take it down.
    Rule two, publish it, repeatedly!
    Rule three, call them on their own words.

    Rinse lather, repeat... IF they start screaming your doing it right.


  2. Kinda like how Beanie Hat Boy and this fellow travelers have been revealed as being paid shills for RT. They reportedly got $10 million; I wonder if others who are doing it for free are mad not to have made the cut to get paid. I’m guessing this is the tip of the paid influence iceberg, and other indictments are coming.

    1. Not registering as an agent of a foreign government is a felony.


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