Friday, September 13, 2024


The gamblers, aka people who think about this shit, are calling Vice President Harris to be a 2-1 favorite.

I'm not sure what the value of that is, but we shall see.



  1. Why prediction markets can be more accurate than polls at predicting election results

    Hypermind sell their services as does the Good Judgment project

    See the future sooner

  2. It's not gambling when I play

  3. I notice how you never mention that the DNC told everyone that Biden was in full control of his faculties....essentially lied to you and me (especially you)...and you fell for it.

    If they were lying to you then, how can you trust them now?
    Notice how quickly they dumped him after the debate? What makes you think they can be trusted.

    Why would you listen to anything hey tell you now?

    Or is it all just about winning and beating your nemesis. Trump?

    1. Man, you must be some sort of sicko. Your guy is showing clear signs of mental decline, but you won't recognize it. All you can do is act like Trump, screeching about a guy who isn't running.

      The Democrats did the needful with Biden. I don't see Republicans, such as yourself, doing anything more than polishing Trump's withered knob.


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