Friday, September 13, 2024

GOP Targets Stupid Muslims, plus MAGA Terrorism

A group seemingly aligned with the Republican party is targeting areas in Michigan that are home to large Arab American and Muslim communities with digital ads purporting to “celebrate” the Jewish faith of Kamala Harris’s husband, Douglas Emhoff.

Right, ads that support the guy who tried to ban all Muslims from entering the country and who pals around with a lunatic who thinks that merican Muslim women celebrate terrorism and who refuses to get into a rideshare car driven by a Muslim.

These are ratfuck ads that require that the viewers be as dumb as the average attendee at a Trump rally.

Speaking of stupid Trump supporters..

Bomb threats on Friday forced the evacuation and closure of public schools and municipal buildings for a second consecutive day, as the city continues to deal with sudden national attention due to false claims involving its Haitian population.

Hillary Clinton was wrong, in that she underestimated the depravity of the kind of Trump supporters who think it's fun to call in bomb threats to schools.

Here's hoping that the FBI and the Ohio cops spare no resources in finding the trolls who did this and bring them to justice.

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