Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Family of Slain Boy Implores MAGA Republicans to Stop Using His Memory to Push Their Hate

The father of the 11-year-old boy killed last year when a minivan driver struck his school bus spoke at Tuesday’s Springfield City Commission meeting, again pleading with the community to stop using his son’s name as part of hateful statements toward Haitian immigrants.

Nathan Clark, Aiden Clark’s father, stood next to his wife Danielle at a packed City Commission meeting, urging people to cease using his son to further their political views.

“I wish that my son, Aiden Clark, was killed by a 60-year-old white man. I bet you never thought anyone would say something so blunt, but if that guy killed my 11-year-old son, the incessant group of hate-spewing people would leave us alone,” Clark told the city hall forum. “The last thing that we need is to have the worst day of our lives violently and constantly shoved in our faces, but even that’s not good enough for them. They take it one step further. They make it seem that our wonderful Aiden appreciates your hate, that we should follow their hate.”

Inconvenient truths for the MAGA bigots, including the Weird Hillbilly Sofaphile:

Aiden wasn't "murdered". He was killed in a motor vehicle crash. The driver of the other vehicle was a Haitian immigrant on legally protected status (so he's here legally) and he had valid Ohio ID. But those facts don't stop the MAGA racists and xenophobes from spewing their hate.

They are just despicable sacks of barely sentient goo.

1 comment:

  1. In the midst of a deluge of political ads, especially the nasty ones dark colored ones from the Republicans, on the TV box is one by a guy in California who lost his son. Watching the ad one would believe that Kamala Harris as DA let an illegal immigrant go free just to kill his son by running him over three times. A little research doesn't mention Harris' involvement at all and just reports it was a car-motorcycle accident. He is a noted anti-immigration activist who has been thrown out of public meetings for disrupting them. It's sad to lose someone you care for but lashing out to blame a group of people (immigrants) is so right wing.


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