Thursday, September 5, 2024

Economic Hostage-Taking

Kroger CEO Rodney McMullen argued in favor of what would be the largest grocery chain merger in U.S. history while testifying during a federal court hearing in Oregon on the U.S. government’s request for a preliminary injunction that would block the $24.6 billion deal. Kroger is the parent company of Fry’s.

“The day that we merge is the day that we will begin lowering prices,” McMullen said while under questioning by a lawyer representing his company

Ah, bullshit. If they could cut prices then, they could cut them now. It's been known for awhile that the gorcery chains and the middlemen used inflation as a cover to jack up prices and nearly quintuple their profitability. Everybody, other than the farmer, used that excuse to jack up their profits.

The people getting screwed are the consumers and the farmers. Everybody inbetween are thieves.


  1. I shop by the month and pretty much buy the same cartload every month. I was pretty used to shelling out a steady 300 and something for food. A few months ago my register bill went up a full hundred dollars. I was accustomed to single or many price increases but a full hundred bucks? All in one month? Somebody propped up the bottom line and it pisses me off. I want a usuary bill and a big consumers refund, but I'm not exactly holding my breath waiting for it. Greedy Bastards.

  2. Soon as they merge they'll close Albertsons

  3. Are wholesale suppliers holding back to limit availability and drive up prices? I've noticed at my Safeway, when I have to go there, that shelf stock overall is lean or absent.

    When COLA is issued for SS recipients, watch prices jump again by about the same amount. Happens every year despite no change in cost of goods to the store.

    All manner and means to jack prices and keep them inflated.

  4. Read recently that a Kroger exec admitted they artificially inflated the prices of eggs and milk way beyond their cost increase due to inflation. "We are not the gougers, Biden/Harris is the gouger."


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