Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Space Karen Has a Mad!

He hired lawyers to stamp their feet and whine for him.

Elon Musk’s social media platform X has sued a group of advertisers, alleging that a “massive advertiser boycott” deprived the company of billions of dollars in revenue and violated antitrust laws.

Boycotts, last time I checked, whether organized or not, are considered to be free speech. Space Karen is no different from the segregationists who brought criminal charges against Dr. King because of the Montgomery bus boycott.

It might be worth remembering that the first boycott was against an economic thug with that name. In that one, the British occupiers also sought to jail the boycott organizers (and failed).

Musk is just another right-wing wannabee tyrant who believes that "freedom of speech" means "freedom to agree with me." He's no different from the Christian Talibanistas, who believe that only they have the freedom of religion and everyone else has to believe as they do under the pain of death.

So I hope that not only will Space Karen lose his case, that he then has to pay the legal fees of those he sued.

Meanwhile, the QAnon Shaman is getting back his spear and magic helmet.


  1. Suing companies for Not advertising on his site. That should go over like a lead balloon. About like Donny suing Joe to make him run. I don't want to and you can't make me. I guess free speech is yesterday's news.

  2. Suing for not using his twit thing is insane.

    I cant see how he can win in the real world.


  3. We now have a different kind of incel: those shunned in economic intercourse because they are so noxious no one want to do business with them

  4. Suing corporations for not advertising on Twitter?

    Here's an idea!
    Let's sue auto owners for not buying Teslas!!

  5. Jesus, man, don’t be giving him any ideas!


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