Thursday, August 8, 2024

Is the COFF Ill?

Apparently, Low-Energy-Donnie is only doing one rally this week in Montana. That's kind of unlike him, but guess what? The press is ignoring that, too.

Is there even a shred of doubt that Montana won't go for the Felon of Queens? Holding a Trump rally in Montana is about as safe a bet as Kim Jong-un making an appearance in Pyongyang.

If Biden was still in the race, and he wasn't making any campaign appearances, the press would be all over it. But they're ignoring Trump's disappearance from the trail.

It is hard to escape the conclusion that the rich motherfuckers who own the major newspapers have put a thumb on the scales. They'll happily ruin the country if they get a tax break out of it.

1 comment:

  1. If we go by his press conference at Mar-a-Lardo today, definitely yes to very


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