Sunday, July 21, 2024


As far as I am concerned, every one of those cocksuckers who have publicly called for Biden to step down are gutless, frightened weasels. I'm not rich, so they won't care, but they are all dead to me.

I'd go sit shiva in their offices if I could. I wish that I was rich, so I could threaten not to give any money to those 30+ assholes who pushed him out.


  1. Biden was harassed and bullied and humiliated to the point they created the very weakness they were afraid of. The only way this makes sense to me is if they want tfg to win. I believe the donor class was afraid of Joe's actual ability to get sh1t done, say, like, making wealthy & corporations pay their fair share? I don't know, but this stinks.

  2. Indeed, there has been a lot of self fulfilling prophecy in this shit.


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