Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The Rats Are Fleeing, But They’re Still There

The director of the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 vision for a complete overhaul of the federal government stepped down Tuesday amid blowback from Donald Trump’s campaign, which has tried to disavow the program created by many of the former president’s allies and former aides.

Don't be fooled, those rats are still in the woodwork, conspiring to drag this country back to the 1870s. Or, to put it another way, they're using The Handmaid's Tale as a users' manual.

The only way to stop them is to send the COFF back to moulder in Mar-a-Lago. (And then to Sing Sing.)

ETA: No surprise, the clown that stepped down is a friend of the Alleged Couch-Fucker.


  1. Once said, now that the rats are gone the feces and trash have to be cleaned up.

    One body less at Heritage is nothing. Their effluvia and trash still


  2. The rats just scurry away when the light comes on. But they still stay in the shadows and peek their noses out occasionally when they think it's safe. They just have to be out there.Think Newt Gingrich, Kevin McCarthy and Rick Santorum, Kwayme Kilpatrick, Alex Jones, Steve Bannon Etc.
    They always come back, like black mold in a damp space.


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