Friday, July 19, 2024

The Gift to the Democrats

"Kinder, humane Trump" lasted only for a few days.

He went off the rails soon after starting his speech. Usual insane clown bullshit, which most of the papers and broadcasters ignore. If any other politician spoke as though Hannibal Lecter was a real person and praised America's enemies and frenemies, they would be toast, if not in a straightjacket. But the Asset blabbers on and his slavish cult members eat that shit right up.


  1. Like Joe with Con Pop and al of his other "Misspeaks"?

    DO explain how that isn't a double standard.

  2. His 90 minute screech showed him to be imminently beatable. Now we shut up and get to work.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  3. B, here is my explanation, which is well-weathered after years of dealing with your supercilious pendantry:

    This is my blog. I am not accountable to you. FOAD.

  4. As you wish. You can hide from the truth here, where you control what is said, but you know, and I know it, the truth is not as you present it.
    your followers will, however, echo what you say. I am sure it makes you feel smug.

    Were I incorrect, you'd not get so angry though. You know the truth even if you hide from it.

  5. Right, B, you believe that you are the Great and Wise Arbiter of the Truth. You know what is true and anyone who believes differently from you is deluded or angry.

    You follow a politician who could not tell the truth if his life depended on it. He didn't testify in his court cases because his lawyers know that he would commit perjury as soon as he said anything more than his name, age, and residence. He can't help it. You follow a man who glories in racism, sexism and just pure meanness. He has sexually assaulted women. He steals money from everyone who is deluded enough to do business with him. He has sold his soul to a foreign dictator. He has stolen classified documents and not only lied about doing so, tried to hide them. He is a convicted felon.

    None of that is disputable. It is all true.

    But you follow him, nonetheless. Which leads me to question why. Do you hate your fellow humans so much that the idea that some may receive help enrages you? Are you resentful for having to pay taxes to keep the country going has enabled you to prosper?

    Or are you just so venal, so greedy that you don't want to pay taxes for any purpose, whatsoever?

    No, I am not angry at you, B. I actually pity you that you have sacrificed whatever humanity you may have once had for money.

  6. Not seriously b. Stop being a karen.

    The FOFF is a felon, certified liar, and civil looser of both
    sexual abuse case... twice!


  7. As my Econ professor was wont to say, what does that speech have to do with the price of beans? We live in a post truth world. Facts don't matter...

    Neither candidate is fit to be president.

  8. What is a Con Pop? Is that the misspeak or the subject of the misspeak. Asking for a friend.
    Or is that Donald the Elder talking to Donald the Junior? "My Con Pop does so love me."


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