Saturday, July 6, 2024

Project 2025

That is the TOFF's plan to bring religious fascism to America.

Robert Reich has a few words. So does my co-blogger.

Filthier air, more polluted water, religious indoctrination in schools, more discrimination based on not being an evangelical white male. Tax cuts for the rich, increased cost of living for the vanishing middle class and the poor, and, of course, Putin gets free license to retake the former lands of the Russian Empire.

That's what you'll get if you vote for Felon^34.

And, as others have noted, of all the newspapers calling for Biden to step aside because of his debate performance, few, if any of them, called for the FOFF to step aside because he was convicted of dozens of felonies.

1 comment:

  1. What's not to like? It's like the South's myth of its ante-bellum world...only here they're selling the myth in advance. And like that about the War of Northern Aggression, they will worship at that altar even as it poisons the land and destroys our future. And tell you how wonderful it is, with its people believing it.


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