Thursday, July 11, 2024

Normalizing Dictatorship

What continues to graw at me is that the Times has continued to normalize the TOFF's behavior. His lies go mainly unchallenged. His incoherence at his rallies go unremarked by everyone except comedians. His desire to put political opponents on trial for the crime of being mean to The Donald gets ignored. The allegation that surfaced in the recent Epstein document dump that the FOFF raped a 13-year-old girl sank like a stone.

One would expect that sort of conduct from Fox News and other Murdoch propaganda outlets. But the Times is conducting itself like the New York Post, albeit with longer articles and better writing.

Funny thing about the Times and the other hand-wringers about Biden's age: They all seem to assume that whoever would beat Trump like a gong. What if they don't? Who is going to look in the mirror and wonder: "Maybe we shouda stuck with Joe" as Felon^34 and his acolytes implement Project 2025?

And, as my sister has reminded me, they did the same exact thing to Hillary Clinton in 2016. So they are nothing if not consistent.


  1. Maybe the old Gray Lady went senile, certainly the banner
    all the new fit to print is not functioning.

    Or maybe they have go profit, as in greed profit.

    We watch and wonder.


  2. Reminds me back 2010 there was a book Gray Lady down, the fall of
    the NY times.

    its not a "just lately" thing.


  3. Watched interviewing Michael Cohen. He really brought the receipts on T****.

    We need more of sounding the alarms.

  4. The same Times that was critical of Dan Quayle for adding an 'e' to potato now completely ignores the felonies and sexual assault of TOFF. I know that Times have changed, but really that drastically? (see what I did there?)


  5. They will never back off of the "Biden must stand down" narrative because that one would make them the most money when they are so obviously hurting for money. It would also give them (and other MSM outlets) the opportunity to rat-fuck the election even worse than they did in '16.
    Meanwhile, the goddamn Russians are back, with the DOJ shutting down a more than 1,000 bot Twitter operation posing as US citizens and promoting Russian propaganda.

    p.s: If the New York Times is short of cash, perhaps they could fire David fucking Brooks and Bret bug Stephens.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  6. Note more alarms, there are plenty... if anyone is listening.

    Lets look at it this way, the Times wants to be the publisher
    for Minitrue. Next a medically oriented publication will
    be Department of Life aka former right justified Department
    of Health and Human Services.

    You can look up the rest in the guide, George Orwell's 1984,
    A bit dated but the uber right wants to go there.


  7. Remember when the TOFF said that George Washington’s forces rammed the ramparts and took over the airports?

  8. Watched some of Biden's speech Thursday and he looked like his own self not like at the so-called debate. But still at the Detroit affiliate of Fox's Ten P.M. News, what they covered was his few Biden type gaffs. Also my wife who only watches local and National Network news never hears anything about Project 2025, Trump's family of grifters or his constant begging for money. Or Trumps nasty perpetual rhetoric and victim claiming.They never show Trump's gaffs, confusion or his total lack of knowledge of governing or the world in general. But she still can't stand him anyway. I think women's intuition must be real because she couldn't stand our former Republican Governor either while I defended him for trying to do the right thing until he stating showing his true Republican anti-people and anti union colors. Right to work laws and Flint Michigan water crisis anyone?

  9. Empty Wheel does a chapter and verse analysis of NYT beating up on Biden but giving Trump, the GOP and the Right pretty much a pass:


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