Friday, July 12, 2024

Morons Who Support the Guys Who Will Happily Slit Their Throats

The Teamsters International president, Sean O’Brien, has been accused by senior members of the union of disgracing it by agreeing to an unprecedented appearance at next week’s Republican national convention.

O’Brien’s decision was branded “unconscionable” by John Palmer, vice-president at large at the Teamsters, who accused him of lending support to the “most anti-union party and president” in a generation.

The GOP hates uinions. They have done everything they can, for decades, to break unions. A good part of Project 2025 is about breaking unions and stealing even more wages from workers.

When unions have supported Republicans, those Republicans have not hesitated a picosecond to stab them in the back, as any PATCO member can tell you.

O'Brien's speaking to the GOP is about as nonsensical as it would be for the head of the NAACP to speak at a Klan Konvention. This is the dumbest move by a Teamster president since Jimmy Hoffa went to Michigan to meet Anthony Provenzano in 1975.


  1. I read that article about that jerk speaking at the repub convention I couldn't believe it, what an asshole.

  2. What do you mean that Trump doesn't support unions? When the UAW was on strike Biden came and visited Detroit and showed solidarity with the unions. But then Trump came to Detroit and held a little "Praise me" rally and photo-op to show even more support at a non-union shop. Isn't that the same since all shops are just dirty nasty places full of peons working? (Sarcasm)

  3. My dad was a member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers for over 35 years. When Reagan was running in 1980, my normally quiet and non-political dad went on a 20 minute rant about how the people he worked with were voting for Reagan. Said they were cutting their own throats, Reagan didn't care about unions or any working people. He was right to be pissed off.


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