Saturday, July 27, 2024

More on the Hillbilly Couch-Fucker

Vixen Strangely has noticed that the Couch-Fucker wants to track the medical records of women of reproductive age when they go on trips to ensure that they don't get abortions on their vacations.

For all of the bleatings of the Cult of the Fetus, note that they have never called to outlaw vasectomies. You would think that they would have a care for all those poor, doomed sperm.

Beyond that, the Couch-Fucker worked with lobbyists to weaken the rail safety bill that he co-sponsored. One has to wonder what he got for that bit of caving to sabotage his own legislation. And I'm sure the residents of and around East Palestine were pleased as punch to learn that their own senator has shivved them in the back.

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