Monday, July 22, 2024

Just What This Race Needs: Another Old White Guy

Sen. Joe Manchin (I-WV) is considering reregistering as a Democrat and running for the party’s presidential nomination after President Joe Biden announced he would end his reelection campaign on Sunday.

Or this:

Sen. Joe Manchin of Virginia, who briefly sparked fears among Democrats that he could re-register as a Democrat and challenge Vice President Kamala Harris for the presidential nomination, has ruled out running.

Manchin is a threat to Harris? Get fucking real, pundits. First off, when the issue is that the first guy chosen was too old, replacing him with a guy a few years younger does not solve the problem.

Second, Manchin is a fucking tool. Doe he think anyone has forgotten his outright treachery to the rest of the caucus in the Senate, that by using the rules, he elevated himself to being nearly a king of the body? If he needed a clue as to how that plays out, he only need look at what that level of perfidity has done to his good buddy Sinema's career, who retired rather than be primaried out of existence.

All those in favor of Joe Manchin as the party's nominee, applaud.


1 comment:

  1. Manchin: I want power.

    Crowd: STFU traitor.

    Another wanna be that has no business being.



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