Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Imagine This

Imagine that Vice President Harris declared that she wasn't a Christian. Imagine the subsequent uproar from the press, the conservatives, and the Christian Taliban.

Yet Orange Felon^34, last Friday, told "my beautiful Christians" that he wasn't Christian. This from a guy who hawks $60 Bibles. His declaration of a lack of faith sank like a stone in a pool of magma. Not a peep out of anyone.

It may have been lost in his promise to not hold elections after 2024. But one might have expected that one of those featherweight journalists might have noticed.


  1. Its the koolaid, makes them unable to hear conflicting ideas.

    The real question is when does the cult spike the drinks and they all fall down.


  2. So he admitted he isn't a Xristian? I hadn't seen that. You'd think the Xristians would now desert him, but no, he's the best they have. They were so sure he was on their side and one of them. What a laugh.

  3. 4th quoted paragraph: https://eb-misfit.blogspot.com/2024/07/pay-attention-people-trump-is-openly.html

  4. Ah, but he is... not christian, but hes their deal with the devil as it enables them to
    get what they want... Christian theocracy. That bit of the end justifies the means
    tactic of the christian taliban aka the nationalist party. Just consider what they
    want (project 2025) and what they got (banish roe V wade and others). Its their contract on America.

    As one would say, its the lie of it all.



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