Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Demented Donnie Keeps Attacking Biden (Plus, Even More Racism)

President Biden has dropped out of the race, but he continues to live, rent-free, in the FOFF's head.

Former President Donald Trump attacked President Joe Biden (D) in a social media tirade following Biden’s decision not to seek reelection.

Trump posted to his social media platform, Truth Social, ten times on Sunday and Monday morning to criticize Biden. He spoke about Biden’s mental fitness, his belief that it was unfair to the GOP to face a new candidate at this point in the election, and called his decision undemocratic.

I can't think of anyone older than seven years old who complains about things being unfar as much as that fat old convict. For a guy who was born into wealth, who was pulling down a six-figure salary before he finished second grade and who inherited a bunch of money, including that which he allegedly stole from other family members and who has allegedly gotten away with fraud of several kinds and screwed over contractor after contractor, boy howdy, life has been so unfair to him.

Fat, crooked and convicted is no way to go through life.

Meanwhile, let's have fun with the delicious fact that he and Ivanka donated several grand to Kamala Harris's campaigns in 2011, 2013 and 2014.

And, of course, because the Democrats are running a candidate who is not white, the racist birthers are back.


  1. The rethugs are having a nutty as Biden did the supposed impossible,
    he turned the cameras off the FOFF. He pulled the rug out and they
    are mad.

    That's big as their demented in chief is not the new focus and the
    chief narcissist cannot accept he is not in camera. It upset their
    slur campaign, all the slow joe stuff is now meaningless and the
    costs for it are now wasted. They have to gin up their hate campaign
    at someone else.

    Just think all those bumper stickers "lets go brandon" that marks the asshats as well as defaces their bumper. Oh the irony!

    Now I see hose stickers and its just too funny.


  2. Remember the good old days when any Republican who heard "That's not fair" would say "Life's not fair, get over it". Good times. Now they worship a guy who whines it out dozens of times a week.

  3. He'd sue her personally if he thought he might win, and he still may sue. It's in his greasy hide to use the law to stop contrary behavior. And running against a Black/Asian Woman is as contrary as it gets for him. He has to rewrite his whole plan of attack now, as well as fight the too-old moniker that he started. I love how it must burn him up. Now we have to beat him in the polls to really strike fear into his shriveled heart.

  4. Love you paraphrase from "Animal House"...

  5. Like Donnie has lived in your head for the past 8 years?


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