Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Chambering These Down, Here

Too soon?

Maybe in this current environment, the next one is inappropriate, but fuck it. It's how I feel. If you don't like it, don't let the screen door hit you in the ass. It's not as though I get paid for this shit.


  1. While dining at a restaurant, the waitress came over and said "You haven't touched your bread." Without missing a beat, my wife touched it with both hands, and said "There, I touched it." We could tell the waitress hadn't seen Young Frankenstein.

  2. Ballistics question Cap'n ~ don't know if you're familiar with "barking squirrels": where you don't actually shoot the squirrel you shoot next to the squirrel close enough that the concussion from the impact stuns them, they fall to the ground and you retrieve and dispatch them however. I'm not sure, I was in the Army and shot M16s, had a couple ARs off and on, my first Savage 99G was in fact a .223 and uhhhhhmmmmm ... it's my experience that if a round out of an AR @ 150 paces were to pass so close as to pierce an ear it would knock whomever, whatever, out, if not ass-over-teakettle

    Does that fit with your experience ?

  3. Ten Bears, I know nothing about that.

  4. Ten Bears,
    I think you have to have the bullet impact something very close to get that effect.I've shot between a coyotes ears at 50 yards with a 6.5x55 and all he did was duck and run.

  5. I wonder if a bullet passing through an ear would make enough noise to cause hearing damage. Perhaps affect balance some? Will be interesting to see if Trump's gait changes any after this.

  6. Theoretically you have to pass an exam on the rules of the road and demonstrate some real world proficiency in a car to get a license.

  7. Coyotes ~ pronounced kai-yote, rhythms with tote ~ always duck and jump

    You're right, of course, the whole point of barking squirrels is to hit the tree ... the impact necessary to the concussionary effect necessary to stun the squirrel

    Still ... a .223 @ 150 paces? I've taken a few blows to the head, and I think if it whizzed passed my head close enough to bloody my ear it would knock me ass over teakettle. A spy old guy, disciplined in my regimen, there'd be no jumping up and fist pumping the shooter

    Ever get into those squirrels down in the peach orchards around Ashland, or Phoenix, where my grandmother was born? I could stop bein' vegan a moment or two for a taste of that again ...


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