Monday, July 15, 2024

And the Winner of the Toady Olympics Is

J.D Vance.

Say it with me:

Hang J.D. Vance! Hang J.D. Vance! Hang J.D. Vance! Hang J.D. Vance!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Not allowed, must be republican to say and do that.
    They only kill their own and anyone else handy.


  3. Careful, Misfit. You just triggered Pence.
    (finds the former Veep curled up in a fetal position under the desk)

  4. "Assassination, in a functioning democracy, is an act of pure evil."

  5. B, you should put down the right-wing crack pipe, for it has completely leached the ability to comprehend sarcasm out of your brain.

    (Do I really need to explain the reference to you?)

  6. Is the sarcasm a reference to the Smiths song "Panic"?

  7. The 60's were a time of political assassinations. This the rise of the Kentucky Hillbillies. Grove City is a suburb of Columbus and is known as Grovetucky. I'm mostly surprised someone didn't take a shot at trumples sooner. There is still a lot of hot summer to go...

  8. Ivory Bill, no, the reference is to the 1/6/21 coup attempt. The TOFF was happy with his gang of terrorists wanting to hang Mike Pence.


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