Wednesday, July 24, 2024

And I am Officially Not Going to Run In the 4x400 Meter Relay Race At the Paris Olympics (Plus More QAnon-Grade Bullshit)

Like anyone had any intention at all of asking that treacherous fuckwad to be Harris's running mate.

Unfortunately, I've become aware that there are anacephanics out there who believe that the attempted assassination of the FOFF was a Democratic plot. Which is just evidence of severe retardation on their part.

Think it through. There would have an open convention and the leading candidate to step in would have been Nikki Haley. Haley would have probably wiped the floor with Biden and, given his disasterous debate performance, stepping aside to let Harris run would have looked a lot less noble than it appears to be now. The COFF is probably the most beatable person who was on the GOP's primary stage, other than maybe Vivek Ramaswamy.

Of course, they might have nominated Ol' Shrimp Boots, a man so repulsive that he makes Ted Cruz look human.

So it is a stupid conspiracy thory and the fact that it is the COFF's dain-bramaged sons pushing it only goes to illustrate that point.


  1. Hypermind has it a three horse with Shapiro, Kelly and another man.
    The principal behind

    Harnessing the power of collective intelligence: why women matter

  2. The Trump spawn are probably more upset because their plans to cheat their half-siblings out of their inheritance is put on hold.

  3. Who is Ol’ Shrimp Boots?

  4. Ah, DeSantis. He does give Cruz a run for his money.


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