Tuesday, June 11, 2024


“The personnel manager called himself a human resources manager and, like personnel managers the world over, was one of the least personable people one could meet. Sitting across him, it was difficult not to feel that anyone who could happily reduce individuals to resources, to the same level as oil, bricks, and canaries in coal mines, probably shouldn’t be allowed to have any human relations that didn’t involve locks and prison bars.” — John Connolly, Every Dead Thing

1 comment:

  1. And besides, HR supposedly serves two masters, the employees (at least in purportedly enlightened operations) and the employers. But mostly, unless stiffened by Federal safety/environmental/etc regs, they are a place where employee complaints go to die, and the employers stiff and hold employees off.
    If you have any sort of honor or integrity, being in HR is usually excruciating.


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