Saturday, June 15, 2024

Time to Make T-Shirts

ETA: My brother said that the first line should read "an asshole". I'll get a round tuit.


  1. Speaking of which. Lots of curvy old-time highways where I live. Some are major commute routes to Sacramento. Last week a Tesla driver decided he could pass 5 cars with oncoming traffic. He decided wrong. Head on with a Toyota SUV, 2 died outright, and not sure if one was the Tesla driver. It should have been.

  2. For some reason, post Covid, I see that passing mistake made more often. I just slow down and pull the to right in case there's contact and bits everywhere.

    I guess I'm a former AH! Sold it years ago - too many nannies for me, but never had any problems with it. Seeing a lot more Teslas on the roads here the in the PNW and plenty of other EV brands as well.

    The latest assholery by Musk to keep his $$Billion dollar paycheck was, unfortunately, expected and believable. What a smoking toad.


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