Friday, June 7, 2024

The Problem is in Your Own House, Mitch

Sen. Mitch McConnell has written an opinion piece in the NY Times saying that we cannot afford to repeat the mistakes of the 1930s. This is a non-paywalled link to the piece.

What McConnell only hints at is that the difficulty in the 2020s when it comes to resisting Russian aggression comes from within his own party, just as it did in the 1930s, when the isolationists (and the Nazi sympathizers) were also in his own party.

The recent gains on the battlefield by the Russians were as a direct result of Republicans delaying aid to Ukraine for nearly half-a-year. Of course, you won't hear McConnell acknowledging that fact, either.

So his opinion peace is pretty weak sauce.


  1. I saw Biden apologize to Zylensky for the delay in aid. How do you apologize for however many deaths that lack of aid cost them? We really don't want Ukraine to win, do we?

  2. Matt Gaetz and Марджори Робертoba Зелёная (MTG in her native Russian) should be the ones making an apology to the Ukrainian people.

  3. Everything about MushMouth McConnell is weak sauce these days. He already did enough damage before he turned into the dying old man that he is. He has no power and his so called friends are waiting for him to get out of the way.

  4. That is just what you do with old mistakes: you repeat them. To do otherwise implicitly concedes that somebody, somewhere, knows better -- and that cannot be allowed.


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