Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Joy of Running a Low-Rent Blog….

.... is that I don't have to spend it tonight watching the debate, live. I can watch it at my leisure, later.

if I want to. Nobody is paying me to watch it. And listening to the TOFF speak is only slightly more enjoyable than having wood splinters shoved under my fingernails.

And I know who I'm voting for. I cannot foresee a single circumstance where I would consider pulling the lever for Felon^34.


  1. You have summed up my feelings on this exactly.

  2. Watched some during the commercials of another channel. The little I seen was Trump just repeating the same tired old complaints and victim hood that he does at his rallies and on social media. But Biden just looked old and a bit slow. Better a slow thinker than a no-thinker.

  3. Democrats are on the ledges threatening to jump instead of getting off their asses, quit moaning, and get to work. JFC people, remember Obama's first debate with the lying, Gish galloping Romney? Everyone got on their favorite ledges for that one two and Obama won comfortably. TOFF is a lying mess of a person and one lie fest isn't going to change that.

  4. If you watched the debate to figure out who to vote for, I advise you to stay home and watch tv in November.

  5. I went to bed, I guess I slept though it.

    In both cases I look at who they select as #2 and for one its telling.

    For sure I know what party I will not vote for.


  6. My wife and I watched the entire debate and although we know we are voting for Biden, it was a disappointing performance by both parties. Biden came off as too old; misspeaking, long pauses, stumbling and rambling talking points, and trailing off at the end of his allotted time. Biden tried to explain his failings and offered tepid hope of what he'd do to move forward.

    Trump just played his greatest hits; fear mongering, name calling, his administration was 'the greatest in history, everyone says', blah-blah-blah, everything he does is great, etc. Not once did he lay out a plan for 'making america great again'. Instead, he kept focusing on how he is being victimized by the press and the current administration. Often he attacked Biden on something Joe had previously said and the moderators had to re-state the question to get an answer from him.

    Biden only once hit Trump with his felony convictions and Trump attacked with the current economy and the withdrawal from Afghanistan. And near the end both got into a swinging dick argument about who was the better golfer. Surreal.

    Most people already have made up their mind about who they will vote for. I think the election will come down to the 3-5% of the voters in the swing states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Georgia who are undecided. Unfortunately, what was shown last night did not help either candidate.


  7. Do yourself a favor: DON'T watch it, it's painful. I'll still be voting against TOFF, but Joe didn't make the case why.

  8. Summing up the first 15 minutes or so

    Front porch cigar time after that

  9. From the Economist:
    The mission for Joe Biden in the presidential debate held in Atlanta on June 27th was clear: to prove his critics wrong, by showing that he was mentally fit and thereby reverse the polling deficit that makes Donald Trump the favourite to win the American election in 2024. Unfortunately, his performance was an unmitigated disaster—perhaps the worst of any presidential candidate in modern history. The president, who is 81 (and would be 86 by the end of a second term in office), stammered indecipherably, struggled to complete his lines of attack and proved his doubters completely correct. Although Mr Trump was in his typical form—meandering, mendacious, vindictive—he somehow appeared the more coherent and lucid of the pair. Mr Biden’s decision to seek re-election rather than standing aside for a younger standard-bearer now looks like a reckless endangerment of the democracy he claims to want to protect.

  10. I don't think this debate was intended to make anyone change their mind, and it doesn't appear that it has.
    It was proof that an ephemeral performance in front of a TV camera overshadows actual recorded factual performance on the job.
    I do not think there are groups of "undecided" voters out there who might switch from one candidate to the other.
    I think there are groups of people who are undecided whether they will come out and vote for the person they've already decided on, or whether they will vote for anyone at all (that is, if it's even possible for them to come out and vote).
    The ones that do come out will decide for everyone, as always, and that is a good thing, even if it is possibly for the last time.

  11. No, it didn't move the needle and it didn't give anyone a reason to rethink things.


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