Saturday, June 8, 2024

The Federalist Society Dons Its Clown Shoes

Anybody who hates Dolly Parton hates America.

And just because: Dolly Parton has been doing humanitarian works for decades. She has been promoting and funding child literacy programs for ages.

In comparison, the Federalist Society has been working to preserve the rights of rich white men to oppress everyone else. They have, more and more, been becoming a hate-based organization. And now they're attacking Dolly because she won't condemn the people that the Feeralists hate.

Maybe the Federalists find themselves eclipsed by the COFF, so they have to find new ways to get their names out there as an association of despicable trolls.

They're a bunch of fascist, christianist, neo-nazi assholes.

1 comment:

  1. Leave it to Dolly to make Rap and her signature music work and
    brighten a day.

    Federalist is just a bunch of degenerate shits..
    Their motto must be I got mine....



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