Wednesday, June 26, 2024

SG Murthy Sabotaged the Biden Campaign

The U.S. surgeon general on Tuesday declared gun violence a public health crisis, driven by the fast-growing number of injuries and deaths involving firearms in the country.

First off, fair warning: If the comment thread gets into a discussion about the merits of gun control, I will shut it down. That's not the topc for this post.

What is the topic is that, a few months before an election that may or may not be the most pivotal in over 160 years, where every vote counts, and which will decide whether we remain a nation of law and freedom or one that is a authoritarian oligarchy/kletocracy, the fucking Surgeon General of the United States decided to put on his clown shoes and wade in on one of the most divisive topics out there.

And it's not as though he doesn't know this. Murthy almost didn't get confirmed the first time that he was SG because of concern that he would do exactly what he just did.

Is he this politically obtuse? Was he so arrogant as to not have this vetted by the White House? And if he did, are there people in the West Wing who are so politically stupid as to not see the minefield in which Murthy decided to go for a nice walk?

Unless President Biden made this call, himself, there are people who should be doing rug dances in the Oval Office this morning.


  1. Why I've dubbed this Carter 2.0

  2. And therein lies the problem. He’s not wrong, it is a crisis where idiots blast away mindlessly…but we can’t discuss it because of entrenched politics and elections (that’s not a dig at the rule here, but at the whole situation). The question then is when is right, cause there’s an election pretty often…and the answer, for now, is never.

  3. The SG is correct. Comrade, I know you “support” the 2nd Amend., but you’re wrong IMHO. The first words of the 2A speaks to a well regulated militia which was our primary means of self defense. The founders did not want a standing army. Justice Scalia’s “..prefatory clause…” and “…operative clause..” is horse shit. The statistics are overwhelmingly stunning on the damage guns do. And the whole world laughs at us.

  4. Agree with the SG. Scalia’s 2008 write up is horse manure; prefatory and operative clauses were invented to justify the moronic decision.

  5. People, apparently, cannot read and follow instructions. Or they think that the instructions don’t apply to themselves.


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