Friday, June 14, 2024

Scratch a Pro-Palestinian Demonstrator, Find an Antisemite

Monday’s protest started in Union Square, where footage posted to social media showed a small group of demonstrators holding up a flag saying, “Long live October 7th.”

Protesters then flooded into the subway and rode down to Wall St., where they staged a larger action outside the Nova Exhibition, a memorial created to honor the victims of Hamas’ attack, in which terrorists killed some 1,200 Israelis and took hundreds hostage.

At the Wall St. protest, footage showed a protester waving a flag with Hamas’ logo on it and another with the emblem of Hezbollah, a Lebanese militant group labeled a terrorist organization by the U.S., while someone else was seen holding a sign saying Zionists are “not human.”

Terrorist sypathizers gotta sympathize, I gather. And they are just that. Most of them are mask-wearing cowards. Just like the ones in Gaza, who make war while hiding behind civilians.

They will inadvertently accomplish one MAGA priority by outlawing wearing masks.

On another note, the UN Security Council endorsed President Biden's cease-fire plan. Hamas hasn't accepted it.

It should be pretty clear by now to even the most casual observer that Hamas's strategy is to continue to hide behind the civilians in Gaza and dare the Israelis to keep killing Gazans. Hamas believes that if the civilian death toll continues to mount, that eventually the other nations of the world will put enough pressure on Israel (aided and abetted by Hamas's useful idiots in the West) to unilaterally call a halt. And then Hamas can claim victory.

Well, maybe that'll work. But in the meantime, the Israelis will do their best to ensure that if that is a Hamas victory, it'll be a Pyrrhic one.


  1. Do the UN believe that if Israel stops that Hammas will?

    I don't.


  2. The thing is, Netanyahu will continue the attacks as long as he can, because when it stops he likely goes to prison. Most Israelis (except for Ultra Orthodox) have had it with his shit.

  3. Joseph, don't be so sure. If you've never lived in Israel you may not be aware of this, but bringing criminal charges against former prime ministers is pretty much the Israeli national sport, but it rarely goes very far. Don't be surprised if, when this is all over and Netanyahu is thrown on the dust heap of history, Israelis will be happy to forget all about him, rather than live through years of the monkey show that Donald Trump is now inflicting on the US.


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