Tuesday, June 18, 2024

It Doesn't Get Much More Childish Than This

A Republican state lawmaker from Vermont has apologized for repeatedly pouring water into a Democratic colleague’s bag, after he caught her doing it on video.

State Rep. Mary Morrissey publicly apologized to state Rep. Jim Carroll, colleagues and the citizens of Vermont from the House floor on Monday. Both are from Bennington, a town of about 15,000 in the southwestern corner of the state.

“I am truly ashamed for my actions,” Morrissey said of “her disrespectful conduct” toward Carroll.
Carroll told The Associated Press that the tote bag he hangs in a hallway at the Statehouse was soaked a couple of times per week in January and February. Then, after he was charged with driving under the influence in February and returned from rehab, his bag was soaked almost daily, he said

"Truly ashamed", yah, sure. You can safely bet she'd still be doing it if she hadn't been caught on camera. She's 67, which would be pretty old for childish behavior, excepting her party leader.

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