Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Everything Even Somewhat Associated With Felonious Don Dies

Exhibit 845,325: Epoch Times.

The arrest of an executive at The Epoch Times in a money-laundering scheme this week has drawn attention to a media outlet that has lived largely in the shadows since its founding in 2000 and a transformation during the Trump administration.

Federal prosecutors in New York charged Weidong “Bill” Guan of Secaucus, N.J., chief financial officer of The Epoch Times, of steering at least $67 million in criminal proceeds, much from fraudulently obtained unemployment insurance benefits, to the company, its affiliates and himself. Guan pleaded not guilty but was suspended by The Epoch Times, which agreed to cooperate with prosecutors.

The case calls into question the future of a company that was a key online supporter of Trump and spreader of conspiracy theories.

The cultish aspect is weird, too. Even if few in the West give a shit about Falun Gong. But it is interesting how things connected to or supporting Felon^34 seem to wither and die (or, if human, get indicted).

1 comment:

  1. Got mailed a few copies of Epoch Times over the years hoping for my subscription and it seemed like a cross between the National Inquirer, The Globe, Fox Noise with some Glen Beck and Tucker Carlson mixed in.


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