Tuesday, June 25, 2024

About Fucking Time, Haredi Ed

Israel’s Supreme Court on Tuesday ruled unanimously that the military must begin drafting ultra-Orthodox men for compulsory service, a landmark decision that could lead to the collapse of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s governing coalition as Israel continues to wage war in Gaza.

The Haredi are parasites. Everything that the Right used to say about "welfare mamas" plopping kids and gaming the system to get money from the state goes triple for the Haredi. The majority of Israelis are secular and resent the nearly total free ride the Haredi get from the state. The insane political system in Israel gives minority parties like the ultra-Orthodox outsized power. So they inflict their views in society and bear none of the burdens.

Now the bill may be coming due. About time.


  1. It's even better than that!

    Not only drafting them, but cutting off their welfare payments.

    Israel's Supreme Court on Thursday ordered an end to state funding for ultra-Orthodox yeshiva students who do not serve in the army, a blockbuster ruling that could imperil the leadership of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as he wages war with Hamas in Gaza and clashes with key ally the United States.

  2. The Chief Sephardic Rabbi is saying they’ll emigrate if they have to serve and fulfill the obligations of Israeli citizenship.

    I image the general consensus would be “good riddance.”

  3. The sad thing is that the IDF really doesn't want the yeshiva students because they're ignorant as rocks. All they know how to do is study religious scriptures and suck off the government teat. And spout arcane bits of knowledge about Jewish scripture of course.

    But I guess given the current situation the IDF needs some cannon fodder and the yeshiva students definitely be that, since they're useless for anything else...

  4. In that, they're not much different from their American counterparts. Their schools in NY don't meet state standards; some of the kids can barely speak English. They live in their own shtetl, funded by the state. They're trained to be religious bigots and they're as nasty as their Christian counterparts.

  5. I agree with BadTux.
    It doesn't take a long time to teach any kid how to use an automatic rifle; the smarter ones will learn how to move and use cover in just a bit longer.


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