Thursday, June 20, 2024

"A Round Room With a Madman Screaming Inside of It."

That is the description of the Trump White House by one of his cabinet secretaries.

The TOFF went through five secretaries of homeland security, four secretaries of state, four secretaries of defense, four directors of national intelligence and four chiefs of staff. His presidency was marked by security breaches by him, rampant instability in governance and cozying up to dictators and their ilk.

That anybody would consider voting to put him back in power boggles the mind. It leads me to the conclusion that anyone who would vote for him is either brain-dead, someone who hates the United States or figures that they can make some money as the country implodes and they don't give a fuck as long as they get theirs.


  1. Nah. People have come to the place that they think that screaming, waving your hands, blaming the innocent is real leadership. Besides, they'd like to pull that crap themselves if they can find someone to unload on. And *that* is what the stories in are about.

    Sort of a Gresham's Law as applied to ability and getting things done. Someone who does work well, gets things done (Biden anyone?) will be overlooked as the fireworks and grandstanding of an evil Professor Harold Hill does his shtick.

    The next election will determine if we are doomed. Of course, we are, with almost half the country acting entitled three year olds in really, really pissy mood. Dead weight that takes up space and gets in the way.

  2. I think those that support Trump, except those that will gain financially or politically, are just those that need constant stimulation. They need "reality" shows or the constant faux outrage supplied by Fox Noise and their competition. Any complicated thoughts or lateral thinking are out of their price range. Trump supplies the need to see someone in the public eye that makes them feel like they are not alone. "He's a victim of those that won't give him the success that he is entitled to and so am I".


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