Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Why I Own Guns (and Know How to Use Them)

Because assholes like this exist:


I suspect that Wormy Bobby would have endorsed that image and so would that other admirer of Hitler.


  1. Trump claimed to and also denied having a copy of Mein Kampf. They could both be true. It's would be true that there a was a copy in house but since he got it in his one trip to the library and never returned it it wasn't his.
    But he would have had someone read it to him making sure to occasionally substituting and putting in Trump's name during the reading to keep his attention. The same thing would have been done with Adolph's speeches even though he could also watch old movies to get an idea of the general posturing. Hitler raised his saluting arm and Trump uses his imitation of playing a squeeze box.

  2. Came from Rense dot com, the pet website of Jeff Rense, a widely known, and reviled, anti-Semite and “talk show host”. Has promoted the theory that the IDF killed most people on Oct 7th as his starting point this time, kinda Infowars with bad hair and poorer production values.

  3. CP88, thanks for looking that up. Now we know the name of another human stain on the genome.


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