Sunday, May 26, 2024

Well, Today Kinda Sucks

I've managed to acquire both a dose of poison ivy and a sunburn. They're not overlapping, but they are, in a spot, close to one another. The sunburn came from doing some lawn reseeding, the poison Ivy, maybe from clearing some vines that were beginning to strangle a tree.

Of course this happens on a holiday weekend. I'm hoping that the OTC stuff works OK, because I'd rather not have to make yet another trip to the ER. I've made a few in the last twelve months as it is (one from my own stupidity).

But the cookout is off. I don't think standing/sitting around outside is a wise idea, for the moment.


  1. My condolences on the poison ivy. When I contact the stuff I wash my entire arms with soap in cool water. I used to use calamine, but lately I use copious amounts of cortisone cream. Now, practice your Zen powers of ignoring it. Best of luck, I feel your pain.

  2. Ouch, sorry to hear that. Get better soon!

  3. Odds Bodkins and a thousand gadzooks! Hoping that neither condition is too serious. At least it's a good long weekend to rest and recuperate before a crazy week that will need your blogging talents and A-game.

  4. Comrade. - -
    Sorry to hear this.
    I was not allergic to the “poison” plants until I had cancer ….. then, ………
    Hope it clears up soon.

  5. If you're anywhere near the sea,soak in seawater.Should help both afflictions.

  6. Mark, I had never heard that.

  7. My father used liquid skin for poison ivy. I haven’t tried that. I take rhus tox, made from poison ivy extract. My cases, increasingly rare, tend to be mild.

  8. Technu is the stuff. It was originally developed as a super soap cleaner to wash off radioactive fallout...turns out it works a treat on poison ivy/oak. You use with COLD water and wash and wash...removes the urushiol without spreading it (as washing with warm water and soap does)
    Available at Walgreens, CVS....and Amazon.


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